Friday 19 June 2020


Free Thinking Brain Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip ...i've just watched the return and i feel like we need an episode ...

this is all about taking away or adding up today i have been learning about takeaways let me give you one.
and the answer is 37 instead of 47
instead of yousing fingers you can use your mind and your brain try and think.
W.A.L.T  Subtract in parts


  1. Hi Kaysha,
    I really like your blog post about your math for the week!
    I like how you linked both of your pictures too!
    Good job on putting your WALT too.
    Did you like this strategy?

  2. Hello Kaysha, i liked how you added pictures, and your blog post.
    do u like doing this kind on math?

  3. Hello Kaysha, I really like your Blog Post! I like how you added pictures and explained how to do this strategy. Next time you could add a question. Do you like using this strategy?


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