Tuesday 26 November 2019

sand dunes

Sand Dunes

we where learning about Sand Dunes at the beach room 2 and room 3 separated in to our own groups we went with an adult he told us a story about two people they had a house near the beach but there was on thing is that they couldn't see the beach so they told the people to put some of the sand dunes down as they separated the sand dunes they could see they beautiful beach but one thing is that the sand was going to their house but then their roof top broke but they survived but when the adult told us to make a sand dune we made our sand dunes with all our effect we added but the adult gave us sushi thing in my group was kloe anya paityn me mace after building our sand dunes we all had to take a photo and talk what was the interesting thing about our sand dunes we didn't struggle with anything but we did have fun by then we left the beach after being with the adult

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